Does anyone have chocolate?
I'm running out. And I can't stop eating it .
One brownie down, two Nutty Bars to go. And I think the M&Ms are next....
After that, I'm in trouble!

Please send all contributions straight to my desk for easy consumption!
you are too funny, sad thing is I really ate a whole package of nutty bars last week by myself..
I need to invest in that chocolate keyboard, then I wouldn't be wasting my time at the computer right!?
My new favorite thing are those little individual chocolate microwave cakes, with whipped cream. Might have to have one for lunch! Since I sdon't have to be to work for another 5 1/2 hours!!
Haha you can eat like no other... and I love you for it!!
Ummm, a chocolate keyboard. Now that's time well spent multi-tasking! :)
Whoa easy girl... or at least share with me when your stash is replenished.
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