Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I'm not sure Mary even knows I have a blog but I NEED to thank her. Mary works in the same building I do, She has been a toolbag hauling woman for a whole lot longer than I have. She's caught me crying in the bathroom when I just couldn't handle all the crapola the guys were dishing any longer. She's let me vent when I needed to. She's always been that listening ear and that wealth of knowledge and understanding that I've so desperately needed at times. Today Mary helped me and provided comfort in a way so not related to work. She's not LDS but she does go to church. Today I was walking by the coffee room on her floor and had the urge to stop and say hello. She was washing a dish and greeted me warmly. She asked me how I was doing and I told her I was fine but I hadn't been sleeping well. It's not that I've been waking up, but the past two nights I have had horribly violent, disturbing dreams. So bad that when my husband called this morning to make sure I was awake I told him that I had been having bad dreams and I was tired. He asked what the dreams were about and I told him, "You don't want to know". I didn't think that anyone should have the mental pictures that I had been having. This morning after waking up and looking in the mirror I didn't even look like myself, I was pale and my eyes just weren't mine, I don't know how to explain other than it wasn't me in the mirror. It sorta scared me to see that person in the mirror and looked as little as possible...

Mary asked me if I went to church. I said yes. Then she said to me, "You need to pray." She said it and I literally felt the truth and comfort in those words. We talked a little more and she said that there are evil spirits and Satan will get to you whatever way he can. If dreams are one way he can weaken you he'll try. I realized that she was right. I've had somethings I've been working through, everyone does right? And I hadn't thought about how these dreams might be Satan's way of getting to me. She told me I needed to pray out loud. She also said that light is energy and it radiates and spreads to fill whatever space there is and that our prayers and words are the same way. They will spread the power through out my room. I realized the truth in what she was saying. I pray for my son who has bad dreams to be comforted, why not pray for myself. I felt so much relief talking to her, I NEEDED to talk to her. She might not be LDS but prayer is universal, it doesn't know the boundaries of faith. If you have faith you can pray. You can pray to gain faith. She told me that just in talking to me for those few moments she could see the difference in me. I was standing there talking to her and had the overwhelming feeling to cry, I was so relieved, I knew that I could find relief from this plague. I told her that I had really need this talk and she had really helped. Thank you Mary. So much.


Betsy said...

Everyone should have a Mary around. That's great that you have one that you can go to. :)

irmaJ said...

Thank you God for sending Mary to be there when you needed a word of encouragement. She was there for me more than once. She spoke good words of truth to you. We don't realize that we don't have to deal with the evil when we have the power of prayer to bring peace.

Tiffany said...

GREAT POST! I'll pray for you too....

Mia said...

I'll pray for you too.