Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Look at me go two posts in two days.....yeah, I know, pretty impressive.

Okay so more pictures from our vacation! I really fell in love with this group of palm trees right off the walk from our hotel, I swear they must have planted them there knowing it would be a killer picture.
And then there was the Portuguese Man-O-War that stung me while I was going for a swim in the ocean, yeah, I didn't like him too much. I wasn't heartbroken while I watched him wash up on shore knowing his time was limited.....

And life guard shack that was yet again a perfect setup for a picture.....

The little blow hole that I just happened to stumble across when I demanded that Ben pull over so I could take more pictures. Okay I didn't have to demand, he was pretty tolerating of me and my camera.And then there was boogie boarding! The kids loved it! So did Ben!

There was plenty of playtime on the beach!

I just want to know why all beaches can't look this amazing!Did I mention that I went surfing. Not only did I go surfing I actually caught a few waves! And I have the pictures to prove it too! Oh yeah, Ben did some surfing as well, just not as good as me if you ask my kids. Madison will tell you that I topped Ben in the performance category......

Here is a warning: There is NO guarantee that my surfing pictures will remain posted as I'm not sure how many people I want seeing me in my bikini! Yes, this is sorta like the burn post.

Just for the record, this part might have been one best things about surfing: RESTING!


Tiffany said...

A.MAZE.ING. pictures.
And I'm glad you posted the bikini pics. you look fabulous!

irmaJ said...

Ahhhhh..... you're back. Missed your postings! Great pictures! You do look amazing! Glad you had a great time! Miss you!

Mia said...

What an amazing vacation!!! I agree all beaches should be that beautiful and that warm ;) Glad you were able to go and have a great time.

Misty said...

you did post them! =)

Jenni said...

Awesome job surfing! Looks like you guys had fun. I love that place.